Your daily 'to-do' list predicts your family's future life...
Since that's true, you better make pretty darn sure that the RIGHT things are on that list...
(If you just came to this page, make sure to read these first:)
Having the 'wrong' to-do list keeps you stuck in the mediocre and mundane... spinning your wheels.​

Creating & maintaining the 'RIGHT' to-do list sets your family on a new course of progress and improvement... and eventually toward the family life you dream about.

How to Identify the 'Right' To-Dos
and Start Tracking Them
If your 'to-do' list predicts your future life then you better make sure the RIGHT things are on it.
Remember how Tolstoy once said,
"All happy families resemble each other, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
That's because highly successful (extraordinary) families are more 'predictable' than unsuccessful (ordinary or dysfunctional) families.
They are 'predictable' in that they follow similar patterns of success, because "success leaves clues." All successful families share 'common denominators'.
These 'fundamentals' that all successful families have in common -- simple, specific truths, habits, and 'culture' -- have been compiled into what we call the Extraordinary Family Life Formula.
Then we use the 28-Day Habit Tracking Challenge to help families strategically and consistently work on learning, understanding, and implementing these 'fundamentals' into their own family life.
This process is called 'family development' (the equal to 'personal or professional development' but designed for families).
The emphasis of the 28-Day Challenge is to:
learn these effective strategies -- the 'common denominators' that all successful families share -- and then...
implement them into your family life to create gradual but consistent improvement through...
daily tracking of the new habits you want to gain in your personal and family life.
The Challenge is also designed in a way that you can:
watch daily new training videos about marriage, parenting, family culture, habits, systems, routines, and much more
ask questions and receive specific feedback from Greg & Rachel Denning and other intentional parents in the private Facebook group
participate in 1-2 live video training sessions each month
additional video training (if necessary), to answer questions about your unique family challenges
create a daily action plan for making specific, consistent, measurable improvements in the areas your family needs them most and that will lead to the family life you dream of creating.
Other goals include:​
identifying the habits, mindsets, heart-sets, and skill-sets that are contributing to OR sabotaging your family's happiness (aka why are you children fighting so much? Why aren't they motivated or taking initiative?)
making the tweaks in family life that produce the results you want (more peace & cooperation, better relationships & influence, more direction & motivation)
implementing strategies for more family unity and resilience
frameworks & tools for discipline, emotional mastery, independence, & responsibility
meaningful family goals and proactive daily habits
(and a lot more...)
Why a 28-Day Challenge?
Creating change and altering family culture is a lifetime pursuit.
(We have been pursuing it since before we were married over 19 years ago).
For many people, it's overwhelming to start something that will take a LIFETIME to "complete".
It's too big. Too much unknown territory.
But 28 days?
Anyone can do anything for 28 days... it's a determined set of time with a beginning and an end.
But it's also long enough that it can create new habits, produce real results that 'feel good', and cement change for the long-term.
However, since real progress and change IS a long term, lifelong pursuit we also know that a one-and-done 28 day challenge is good, but not enough.
Our 'tricky' solution?
We do a new 28 day challenge every month... so essentially you (can, if you want to) be a part of a family-development challenge for every month (though not quite every day) of the year.
It's a way to keep you working on improving your family day after day, month after month, year after year without feeling like you've committed to do doing that... since you're only committing to the next 28 days.
Brilliant, right?
(That's human psychology for ya').
What does the 28-Day Challenge look like?
The 28-Day Challenge begins the first Sunday of the month and ends four weeks later (on a Saturday).
Enrollment opens one week before the Challenge begins.
There is a Habit Tracker for you to print out and track your new habits -- your small daily commitments. (More on that below).
On our end, we release a new training video (almost) every day of the Challenge.
They will be in line with the theme for that month (you can see what those are below).
You will be able to watch the videos in our private Facebook community of like-minded parents...
...and leave comments or ask clarifying questions.
Or in your Dashboard where you access your courses.
In the Dashboard you will also have access to ALL past videos from the previous month's Challenges (so far about 60 videos).
You will have access to past -- and to all future -- Challenges for as long as you remain a member.
The 28 Day Challenge is a monthly membership which you can cancel at anytime.
There is also the option to upgrade to the All-Access Pass which give you unlimited access to all of the family development courses.
Why a monthly membership? Why charge at all? Or why not just do a one time price?
First of all, we could offer this Challenge for free, especially during this global crisis.
But we realized that people are now being inundated with free resources.
How do they choose which ones to utilize?
How do they avoid getting lost in a sea of information and support and end up just 'spinning their wheels instead of making progress?
We've discovered through experience with our clients is that the best is to create something that parents really want to be a part of -- and then ask them to make a commitment to themselves.
This is done through a membership which is paid monthly. It's a financial reminder to YOU that you've committed to investing in the improvement and development of your family.
Paying for it actually increases your odds of taking action.
When the feelings and motivation fade, a monthly payment reminds you of the commitment you made to yourself and your family.
It's human nature to value MORE the things we pay for than those we get for free.
And in fact, we often value the things we pay MORE for than the ones we paid less for.
I know it's weird, but true.
(That also means we're likely to raise our prices in the future, as the course content grows and becomes more valuable month after month -- 20+ MORE videos added every month.)
We are committed to creating high-quality, specific trainings for the next year on every aspect of family development.
If having access to that content is a 'heck yeah!' for you, then we ask you to make a commitment to us -- and to yourself -- to watch, read, and apply what is taught.
And the science shows you're more likely to do that if you pay for it instead of getting it for free.
And you're more likely to regularly and consistently do that if you pay for it monthly instead of with a one-time payment.
That's why we've chosen to charge for it. The price is currently $37/month.
The optional upgrade to the All-Access Pass is offered at a special price for 28-Day Challenge Members at $67/month (usually $219/month). It includes $1865 worth of family development courses.
What are the Themes each month? WHY have monthly themes?
The monthly themes are as follows (may change to reflect current needs):
January -- [Y] YOU
February -- [M] MARRIAGE
March -- [P] PARENTING
May -- [Fi] FINANCES
September [O] OWNERSHIP
October -- [S] STRATEGIES
November - [M] MIND & [E] EMOTIONS
December - [T] TRUST
We've chosen monthly themes to ensure that all aspects of family life are addressed.
Think of your family as a bike tire. The family as a whole is represented in the rim. But it is the spokes of the wheel provide shape and stability.
If some of those spokes are bent or missing, then family life begins to be imbalanced and wobble... and eventually becomes dysfunctional.
In order to create 'balanced' development in the family it's critical to address ALL aspects of family life.
That's why we devote a one month to a different theme -- to contribute to holistic family development.

What are the prizes you're offering? How do I win?​
The Habit Tracker is the basis of the 28-Day Challenge
It's designed to help you make -- and keep -- small daily commitments to yourself... which is the only way real change is created.
To win prizes, you simply print out the Habit Tracker for the month and identify which new habits you will be working on.
You write one on each line (as many or as few as you would like) -- and then you check it off each day that you complete it.
If you don't complete it, you don't get to check it off.
Each month you turn in your Habit Tracker.
Whoever has the most days/habits checked off will win first place.
Second place and third place follow with the second most and third most check marks.
If you're at all confused, don't worry. There is a video in the Dashboard that explains it all.
First Place -- One-on-one coaching session with Greg or Rachel
Second Place -- One month free to the 28-Day Challenge
Third Place -- A free audio program or mini-course
What are the video trainings this month?​
Creating a Solid Family Culture of Resilience & Strength -- April 5th
What is Family Culture and Why Does it Matter So Much? -- April 6th
Identifying What Type of Family Culture You Want (with Assignment) -- April 7th
Making it Visual -- Creating Your Family Manifesto -- April 8th
How to Overcome the Resistance (from Your Kids) -- April 9th
Creating Systems of Self-and-Family Care -- April 10th
Developing Parental Resilience in Order to Model it For Children -- April 13th
Choosing Challenge -- The Obstacle IS the Way -- April 14th
Cognitive Restructuring -- Giving Experiences & Events the Meaning YOU Want Them to Have -- April 15th
Unlearning & Relearning -- Why What You KNOW and Don't Know May Be Sabotaging Your Family -- April 16th
Stress & Recovery: How to Stress to Grow & Recover to Stay Sane -- April 17th
Plus more that I haven't come up with titles for yet...
Our mission is to train parents to create extraordinary families that will change the world.
You'll become a more extraordinary parent with regular training and inspiration and by having more extraordinary parents in your 'social group'.
That is why we have created this Challenge -- to help you connect with like-minded parents and to train you on becoming extraordinary one day, week, and month at a time.
If this is something you can say 'Heck Yeah!' to, then we want you to join us.
If you're not sure... if you're on the fence, then this isn't for you.
It is NOT for people who are looking for the 'bare minimum' requirements to become extraordinary...
Being extraordinary is NOT about the bare minimums. It's about the EXTRA!
So we're looking for parents to join us who are 'extra' -- the go-getting high-performers who want the best for themselves, their families and their life.
If that's you, then please join us.
If you're not sure, or you just don't have the time or energy to invest in making changes, then this is probably not for you right now.
Enrollment is opened at the end of each month for one week. You'll be able to enroll for $37/month.
Enter your name & email to get notified when enrollment is open
(and if you open all the emails we'll share a 'sneaky' way to get in early!)